How to Get an ESA Letter in Pennsylvania | ESA Pet

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How to Get an ESA Letter in Pennsylvania


2 Minute Screening

Begin by taking a short, confidential assessment to determine if you are a good candidate for an ESA letter or
a PSA Letter.


Talk to a Therapist

We'll set up a Telehealth appointment with a licensed mental health professional in Pennsylvania.


Get Your ESA Letter

Once approved you will receive your ESA letter in 24 hours.

ESA Letter Online In Pennsylvania: How It Works

Emotional support animals (ESAs) and service animals assist individuals with disabilities. However, both emotional support animals and service animals serve different purposes, and different laws govern them.

ESAs provide comfort and emotional support to individuals with mental and emotional challenges. They do not need special training and can be any type of animal. Their primary role is to offer comfort and help ease symptoms of mental illnesses like anxiety and depression.

Service animals, such as service dogs, are specifically trained to perform tasks for people with emotional disabilities. Service animals have legal rights to go with their owners in most public places. However, emotional support animals do not have universal public access rights.

The primary distinction lies in their training and legal access. Service animals need training to assist with specific disability-related tasks. Whereas, ESAs provide company through their presence.

  • Emotional support animals: They provide comfort. They do not need specific training, and have limited public access rights.
  • Service animals: They perform specific tasks. They need extensive training and have broad public access rights.

How To Get an ESA Letter in Pennsylvania

Securing an ESA letter Pennsylvania is a straightforward process. It can be efficiently managed with the help of ESA Pet. Here are the steps to follow:

Begin by taking a brief online assessment. This assessment consists of several questions to help understand your mental health needs.

The information you provide is private and accessible only to authorized healthcare professionals. It ensures your confidentiality.

After you complete the assessment, ESA Pet will connect you with a licensed mental health professional in Pennsylvania.

This professional will review your mental health disability. They will determine if an emotional support animal could benefit your condition.

If the professional determines you qualify for an ESA, they will issue an official ESA letter. You will receive a digital copy of this letter within a few days. This letter will grant you the legal recognition needed for your ESA.

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Laws & Requirements For Emotional Support Animals in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania has specific regulations governing emotional support animals (ESAs). These laws aim to balance the benefits these assistance animals provide with the broader requirements of public and private spaces.

These regulations intersect with state and federal laws. They ensure that individuals with ESAs can live and travel with their animals within certain guidelines.

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Pennsylvania ESA Housing Laws

Under the Fair Housing Act (FHA), housing providers need to make reasonable accommodations for tenants with ESAs. This includes overriding no-pets policies and waiving pet fees, breed, or weight restrictions.

However, the tenant needs to provide a valid ESA letter from a licensed mental health professional to the housing provider. 

It ensures that people relying on ESAs for their mental health can rent without housing discrimination.

Pennsylvania ESA Laws for Employment

Unlike service animals, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) does not need employers to allow ESAs in the workplace.

Employers can make reasonable accommodations if they help employees perform their duties. However, this is not a legal obligation, and accepting ESAs at work is at the employer's discretion.

Benefits of Having an Emotional Support Animal in Pennsylvania

  • Alleviates Loneliness: ESAs provide companionship. They are beneficial for those with mental and emotional conditions like depression and anxiety.
  • Comfort and Support: These animals reduce symptoms of anxiety, panic disorders, and PTSD. They do so by offering comfort and support for their owners' mental or emotional disability.
  • Emotional Stability: ESAs contribute to emotional stability by providing affection and companionship. This helps individuals cope with stress, emotional distress, and mental disability.
  • Sense of Purpose: Caring for an ESA can instill a sense of purpose and routine in individuals. It fosters feelings of responsibility and fulfillment.
  • Social Interaction: ESAs can help with social interaction. They help individuals overcome social isolation by encouraging outings and interactions.

Get A Pennsylvania ESA Letter in Three Simple Steps

ESA Pet makes it easy to get an emotional support animal letter in Pennsylvania. Follow these three simple steps and you will have your ESA letter in no time.

Complete a 2-minute pre-screening assessment online. You will need to provide some basic information on yourself, your pet, and your need for an emotional support animal.

This assessment helps us determine your eligibility for an emotional support animal before moving on to the next step.


Basic Requirements for Pennsylvania Emotional Support Animal Letters

The state of Pennsylvania requires ESA letters to include a few items to be considered valid:

  • A licensed mental health professional provided a diagnosis for a mental or emotional disability.
  • The condition limits at least one major life activity.
  • An emotional support animal would provide therapeutic benefits, ease symptoms, and help to treat the condition.
  • The medical professional’s name, license number, and signature
  • The letter must be on a professional letterhead that belongs to the state-licensed therapist
  • Issue date and state
  • Details of the pet such as the type, breed, name, and age (optional)

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ESA Letter in Pennsylvania Frequently Asked Questions

To get an ESA letter in Pennsylvania, answer our pre-screening questionnaire. You'll be contacted by a licensed mental health professional in 24 to 48 hours for assessing your need for an ESA as part of your treatment plan.