How to Get an ESA Letter in Illinois | ESA Pet

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Get a Legitimate ESA Letter in Illinois


How Emotional Support Animal Letters Work

Get Your Legit ESA or PSA Letter in 3 Easy Steps


2 Minute Screening

Begin by taking a short, confidential assessment to determine if you are a good candidate for an ESA letter or a PSA Letter.


Talk to a Therapist

We'll set up a Telehealth appointment with a licensed mental health professional in Illinois.


Get Your ESA Letter

Once approved you will receive your ESA letter in 24 hours.

How to Get an ESA Letter in Illinois

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Get your ESA Letter

Emotional Support Animal Laws in Illinois

In Illinois, ESA laws provide for their inclusion in homes, public transport, and specific public places, albeit with variations.

While ESAs are permitted in residential settings, their access in workplaces and public areas is not uniform and depends on specific policies or management discretion. 

Essential to this is the requirement of an ESA letter from a licensed mental health professional in Illinois, which differentiates ESAs from service animals and acknowledges their role in emotional support.

Illinois ESA Housing Laws

Under Illinois housing laws, influenced by the FHA, ESA owners are shielded from discrimination in residential contexts. 

Landlords must provide reasonable accommodations for ESAs, requiring an emotional support animal letter for verification. This law prohibits additional charges or pet restrictions but allows landlords to refuse ESAs if they pose a threat or cause significant damage.

These housing laws balance the needs of ESA owners and property owners' rights. While landlords cannot inquire about specific diagnoses, they can seek enough information to understand the tenant's need for an ESA. 

The law also restricts landlords from demanding pet deposits or fees for ESAs, ensuring that ESA owners can reside with their animals without undue financial burden.

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Illinois ESA Travel Laws

Illinois ESA Laws for Public Access

You'll need to check with the manager if you’d like to bring your ESA to a restaurant, library, hotel, or store. According to Illinois laws, only service animals can access any public place. 

However, with a polite courtesy like calling ahead to check with the establishment, you’ll rarely be denied access to the building. They’ll request to see your ESA letter to confirm your qualifications to have an emotional support animal.

How Do You Qualify For An ESA Letter in Illinois?

To qualify for an ESA letter in Illinois, you must be considered to be going through some kind of mental health. It can be depression, bipolar, PTSD, and panic attacks. 

It’s the job of a state-licensed mental health professional to evaluate you and determine how much you need the emotional support animal. 

Without the LMHP’s approval, you can’t have an ESA letter. That’s because they’ll have assessed your situation and determined the ESA pet won’t benefit your mental health.

ESA Letter in Illinois Frequently Asked Questions

Qualification requires a diagnosis from a licensed mental health professional, confirming a mental or emotional disorder that an ESA can help alleviate. 

Get Your ESA Letter Now

You should get an ESA letter if you have a pet you find very emotionally supportive and helpful to your mental health. 

This way, the ESA letter in Illinois will protect you from discrimination whenever you’re traveling, moving into a new place, or you’d like to access a public place. 

So, go ahead and get your ESA letter now. The process is straightforward; you don’t have to jump through hoops to acquire one.