How to Get an ESA Letter in Georgia | ESA Pet

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Get a Legitimate ESA Letter In Georgia


How to Get an ESA Letter in Georgia


2 Minute Screening

Begin by taking a short, confidential assessment to determine if you are a good candidate for an ESA letter or
a PSA Letter.


Talk to a Therapist

We'll set up a Telehealth appointment with a licensed mental health professional in Georgia.


Get Your ESA Letter

Once approved you will receive your ESA letter in 24 hours.

ESA Letter Online In Georgia: How It Works

Connect with a licensed healthcare professional through an online service to get an ESA letter in Georgia. During a telehealth session, they'll assess your mental health needs. They will then determine if an emotional support animal could help you. If they decide an ESA is right for you, they'll issue an emotional support animal letter online.

This letter allows you to bypass no-pet policies in housing and travel with your ESA. It ensures you receive the support you need where you live and travel. It is a quick process, and you can do it from home, simplifying access to essential ESA benefits.

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Get your ESA Letter

Laws & Requirements For Emotional Support Animals in Georgia

Georgia's approach to emotional support animals (ESAs) focuses on helping those with mental health needs. It also does so by respecting property rights and public safety. Let's explore the specifics of how these federal laws work in different areas:

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Georgia ESA Housing Laws

In Georgia, the federal Fair Housing Act supports the rights of people with ESAs in housing. This act requires landlords to accommodate ESAs without extra charges. If you have an ESA, your landlord should let you live with your animal without paying an extra fee, regardless of the building's pet policy. 

But, if your ESA damages the property or threatens the safety of others, your landlord might have the right to seek remedies. The housing provider can also restrict the animal from the property. Emotional support animal owners need to have a valid ESA letter to present to housing providers to enjoy protection.

Georgia ESA Laws for Employment

Georgia does not have specific state laws that force employers to accept ESA letters in the workplace. However, the Americans with Disabilities Act does cover mental illness as a disability. It suggests that employers consider reasonable adjustments for an ESA owner. 

If you have an ESA, it's a good idea to talk with your employer about how the animal helps you manage your condition. While it's up to your employer to approve your request, having an official ESA letter can help.

How Do You Qualify for an ESA Letter in Georgia?

To qualify for an emotional support animal letter in Georgia, you need to have a mental health condition that impairs your daily functioning. This process begins with an evaluation from a licensed mental health professional.

They will assess whether an emotional support animal could help ease your symptoms. They will explore how your condition affects you and determine if an ESA could provide the support to improve your quality of life.

ESA Pet simplifies obtaining an ESA letter through a streamlined online process. They handle everything from an initial quick screening to arranging a telehealth appointment with a licensed mental health professional in Georgia.

Once your need for an ESA is confirmed, ESA Pet ensures that your official ESA letter is generated. They then deliver it to you within 24 hours. This allows you to secure the benefits of having an emotional support animal.

Get A Georgia ESA Letter in Three Simple Steps

ESA Pet makes it easy to get an emotional support animal letter in Georgia. Follow these three simple steps and you will have your ESA letter in no time.

Complete a 2-minute pre-screening assessment online. You will need to provide some basic information on yourself, your pet, and your need for an emotional support animal.

This assessment helps us determine your eligibility for an emotional support animal before moving on to the next step.


Basic Requirements for Georgia Emotional Support Animal Letters

The state of Georgia requires ESA letters to include a few items to be considered valid:

  • A licensed mental health professional provided a diagnosis for a mental or emotional disability.
  • The condition limits at least one major life activity.
  • An emotional support animal would provide therapeutic benefits, ease symptoms, and help to treat the condition.
  • The medical professional’s name, license number, and signature
  • The letter must be on a professional letterhead that belongs to the state-licensed therapist
  • Issue date and state
  • Details of the pet such as the type, breed, name, and age (optional)

Why ESA Pet?

ESA Letter in Georgia Frequently Asked Questions

To get an ESA letter in Georgia, you need to consult with licensed mental health professionals. This involves a detailed assessment of your mental health. This check confirms that an emotional support animal would provide therapeutic benefits.

The professional will then issue an ESA letter if they determine that an ESA is crucial for your mental and emotional disabilities.