How to Get an ESA Letter in Maryland | ESA Pet

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Get a Legitimate ESA Letter In Maryland


How to Get an ESA Letter in Maryland


2 Minute Screening

Begin by taking a short, confidential assessment to determine if you are a good candidate for an ESA letter or
a PSA Letter.


Talk to a Therapist

We'll set up a Telehealth appointment with a licensed mental health professional in Maryland.


Get Your ESA Letter

Once approved you will receive your ESA letter in 24 hours.

How To Get an ESA Letter in Maryland

To get an ESA letter in Maryland, consult a licensed mental health professional specific to the state. ESA Pet helps connect you with professionals for telehealth appointments, which they conduct online or over the phone.

You will take a short online test to establish your medical needs and other details, such as the dog breeds. The mental health professional will check two things:

  1. That you have a diagnosed mental health health condition
  2. Whether an Emotional Support Animal could help ease the symptoms

If they determine an ESA benefits you, they will issue an ESA letter confirming this need. You will receive the document on their practice's letterhead.

This process has been streamlined thanks to digital health services, eliminating the need for in-person appointments. You can complete the entire procedure remotely using services like ESA Pet, a quick and straightforward way to get an ESA letter in Maryland from your home.

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Get your ESA Letter

Emotional Support Animal Laws in Maryland

The Fair Housing Act is at the core of ESA rights in Maryland. It mandates landlords to provide reasonable accommodations for residents with ESAs. The law allows you to live with your service animal without facing extra pet fees or deposits. 

Federal laws cannot protect you without an Emotional Support Animal letter. That's especially true under the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA).

Remember, there's nothing like an ESA registry or certification. With an ESA letter, the airline will allow your companion animal into the plane's cabin at no extra cost to you.

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Maryland Housing Laws for Emotional Support Animals (Fair Housing Act)

In Maryland, Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) are legally recognized for assisting individuals with emotional and mental health conditions. They include people living with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), anxiety, panic attacks, and more.

However, they are not covered by public accommodation laws that apply to service animals. That means ESAs do not have the same access rights to public places (think grocery stores, schools, or restaurants) as service animals do.

Despite this, Maryland state laws and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) provide protections for ESAs in other contexts, particularly housing. Under the Fair Housing Act, you have the right to live with your emotional assistance animal in your apartment, condo, or complex without having to pay pet fees or deposit.

Maryland law requires that a legitimate ESA letter must be written and signed by a healthcare professional who is licensed to practice in the state. Only licensed mental health professionals, such as clinical social workers, psychiatrists, psychologists, LPCs, and therapists, are allowed to issue a valid ESA letter.

It is against federal laws if any property manager, HOA, or landlord deny housing for you and your Emotional Support Animal if you have a valid letter.

How Do You Qualify for an ESA Letter in Massachusetts?

Pet owners struggling with mental disabilities can qualify for an emotional assistance animal. However, you must follow the right procedure to secure a suitable ESA letter.

Know your Condition and Pet

ESAs provide companionship and therapeutic benefits. Especially if you suffer from a mental disability. 

In Maryland, recognized conditions include Anxiety, Panic Disorders, and Bipolar disorder. Others are Attention Deficit Disorder, Learning disorders, Depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. It pays to note some of the symptoms your furry friend seems to help lessen.

You should also be able to describe your support animal. Unlike service dogs that assist with specific tasks, emotional support animals don't need special training. They help with your mental illness through companionship and comfort.

Get Evaluated by a Licensed Mental Health Professional

Qualification for an ESA letter in Maryland involves a professional evaluation. That's to determine if your mental or emotional condition warrants an ESA's support. 

With ESA Pet, you can easily find a state-licensed professional to conduct a telehealth consultation. During this consultation, the professional will assess your eligibility for an ESA

Licensed mental health professionals focus on the support factor. They want to establish if the companionship helps reduce the symptoms.

Wait for Your Signed Document

A genuine ESA letter proves that you have a mental illness and that your emotional support animal can help with the symptoms. That's why a letter signed in the letterhead of a healthcare professional with a license number in Maryland is important.

The fast and simple approach offered by ESA Pet allows for a quick determination and issuance of an ESA letter, ensuring you can receive the necessary support without delay

Get A Maryland ESA Letter in Three Simple Steps

ESA Pet makes it easy to get an emotional support animal letter in Maryland. Follow these three simple steps and you will have your ESA letter in no time.

Complete a 2-minute pre-screening assessment online. You will need to provide some basic information on yourself, your pet, and your need for an emotional support animal.

This assessment helps us determine your eligibility for an emotional support animal before moving on to the next step.


Basic Requirements for Maryland Emotional Support Animal Letters

The state of Maryland requires ESA letters to include a few items to be considered valid:

  • A licensed mental health professional provided a diagnosis for a mental or emotional disability.
  • The condition limits at least one major life activity.
  • An emotional support animal would provide therapeutic benefits, ease symptoms, and help to treat the condition.
  • The medical professional’s name, license number, and signature
  • The letter must be on a professional letterhead that belongs to the state-licensed therapist
  • Issue date and state
  • Details of the pet such as the type, breed, name, and age (optional)

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ESA Letter in Maryland Frequently Asked Questions

You must have a mental health condition to qualify for an Emotional Support Animal in Maryland. The first step to get proper documentation is to see a mental health practitioner. 

The practitioner's evaluation should establish that an ESA is necessary for your mental health. It should state how the ESA helps cope with your condition. This documentation must be on the practitioner's letterhead.