How to Get an ESA Letter in Minnesota | ESA Pet

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Get a Legitimate ESA Letter In Minnesota


How to Get an ESA Letter in Minnesota


2 Minute Screening

Begin by taking a short, confidential assessment to determine if you are a good candidate for an ESA letter or
a PSA Letter.


Talk to a Therapist

We'll set up a Telehealth appointment with a licensed mental health professional in Minnesota.


Get Your ESA Letter

Once approved you will receive your ESA letter in 24 hours.

How To Get an ESA Letter in Minnesota

You can get an ESA letter in Minnesota with the help of ESA Pet online streamlined service. You may use the ESA Pet platform to set up a telehealth consultation with a licensed mental health professional in Minnesota. This allows you to speak with an expert from anywhere, through either a video or phone call.

The specialist will review your mental health needs. They will establish whether an emotional support animal would help ease your symptoms. If the professional establishes that an ESA would help you emotional or psychological health, they will then issue an ESA letter. This will be done through ESA Pet.

This process is efficient and user-friendly, eliminating traditional in-person visits. With ESA Pet, obtaining an ESA letter is straightforward and convenient. This makes it easier to get the support you need without leaving your home.

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Get your ESA Letter

Emotional Support Animal Laws in Minnesota

In Minnesota, ESAs are protected under both state and federal laws. The Minnesota Human Rights Act protects individuals with a disability from discrimination. This includes those who need ESAs. Landlords must allow ESAs in housing even if they have a no-pet policy. This comes under the Fair Housing Act, protecting ESAs too.

Minnesota law recognizes service animals for people with vision, hearing, or other physical or sensory disabilities. By extension, these protections can overlap with those for ESAs. Laws ensure that people with certain disabilities can bring their service animals and their ESAs to most places.

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Minnesota ESA Housing Laws

Under Minnesota law and the federal Fair Housing Act, landlords must accommodate service animals. This includes emotional support animals. Tenants may need to give their landlords documentation to get reasonable accommodation. Usually, providing an ESA letter issued by a licensed mental health professional works.

How Do You Qualify For An ESA Letter In Minnesota?

One must have a disability to be able to qualify for an ESA letter in Minnesota. A licensed mental health professional must document such a disability. The professional will check if an emotional support animal is necessary to ease the disability. The process involves a consultation, and if the individual meets the criteria, an ESA letter is usually issued.

Check your emotional support animal letter eligibility in Minnesota through ESA Pet.

ESA Pet simplifies the process by connecting you with a licensed professional in Minnesota. We can set up a telehealth consultation and promptly provide your ESA letter!

Get A Minnesota ESA Letter in Three Simple Steps

ESA Pet makes it easy to get an emotional support animal letter in Minnesota. Follow these three simple steps and you will have your ESA letter in no time.

Complete a 2-minute pre-screening assessment online. You will need to provide some basic information on yourself, your pet, and your need for an emotional support animal.

This assessment helps us determine your eligibility for an emotional support animal before moving on to the next step.


Basic Requirements for Minnesota Emotional Support Animal Letters

The state of Minnesota requires ESA letters to include a few items to be considered valid:

  • A licensed mental health professional provided a diagnosis for a mental or emotional disability.
  • The condition limits at least one major life activity.
  • An emotional support animal would provide therapeutic benefits, ease symptoms, and help to treat the condition.
  • The medical professional’s name, license number, and signature
  • The letter must be on a professional letterhead that belongs to the state-licensed therapist
  • Issue date and state
  • Details of the pet such as the type, breed, name, and age (optional)

Why ESA Pet?

ESA Letter in Minnesota Frequently Asked Questions

In Minnesota, people with qualifying conditions must get a prescription for an emotional support animal (ESA). A mental health professional must provide this prescription. This indicates that the animal provides necessary support for mental health issues.