Brenda Mejia | ESA Pet


ESA Pet Staff

Brenda Mejia

Cat name: Milagro

Meet Brenda, our Content Editor and ESA Pet article writer. Over the past decade, Brenda has been immersed in traveling worldwide and lovingly cared for dogs and cats through house sitting and pet sitting. As a vital member of our team, she contributes to ensuring your pet becomes an Emotional Support Animal by delivering informative content that enhances your understanding of the process.


Spirit Airlines Pet Policy – Your Guide for Flying With Pets

Ready for your next adventure? Traveling with your furry friend just got easier with our guide to the…

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Can You Bring Cats on a Plane? A Complete Guide

Traveling with pets, especially cats can often seem challenging due to the varying rules and regulations of airlines…

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Virgin Atlantic Pet Policy: How to Travel with ESAs and PSDs

Flying with your pet, especially pets with an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) or Psychiatric Service Dog (PSD), can…

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Emotional Support Fish: Can a Pet Fish Boost Mental Health?

Emotional support fish offer a unique form of companionship for people who need them. Individuals with mental health…

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How To Get a Therapy Dog: Guidelines and Requirements

Therapy dogs offer vital support. They help people facing disabilities, illnesses, or mental health issues. They provide companionship…

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How To Make My Cat a Service Animal?

So you’re wondering, ‘How to make my cat a service animal.’ You are not alone. Cats are becoming…

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