Don’t just take our word for it. See for yourself why thousands of pet owners trust ESA Pet to obtain an ESA Letter:
"My dog is not just a pet, she is an essential companion that I use to navigate my life and live in the most productive way possible. I used to be crippled with anxiety to go anywhere without her. A friend told me about ESA Pet. After a quick quiz, a call with the kindest therapist I had a legitimate ESA letter. My emotional issues have improved so much and I can go back to living my life with my dog Stella by my side."
~ Abigail Warda
"I was desperate to get in touch with a therapist to discuss solutions for my emotional health. I noticed that many were impossible to get a hold of or didn't accept medical insurance. Getting an ESA letter online was so quick and painless I wish I had done it sooner. I don't have to worry about the stares in restaurants when I come in with my emotional support dog anymore. My disabilities feel acknowledged and legitimized now.
~ Paul Wilson