Andre Gregatti | ESA Pet


ESA Pet Staff

Andre Gregatti

Dog name: Cacau

Meet André, our SEO Associate, who, inspired by his experience working on ESA Pet's articles, decided to adopt his own ESA Pet named Cacau. As André's first dog, Cacau has played a crucial role in helping him cope with anxiety and panic symptoms. Drawing from both personal experience and the knowledge gained at ESA Pet, André has become an expert on ESA topics.


The Best Dog Food for Golden Retrievers

Well, that golden retriever energy has to come from somewhere, right? Golden retrievers are some of the most…

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How Often Do You Take a Cat to The Vet

When you are hanging out with other pet parents, a common question that comes up is “How often…

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Are Online ESA Letters Legit?

While many ESA letters are available on the internet, not all are high-quality or reliable. When searching for…

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How Often Should You Take Your Dog to the Vet

As a pet owner, you might be wondering whether you should take your dog to the vet for…

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Best Emotional Support Cat Breeds

Emotional support animals are becoming increasingly popular – whether it’s an emotional support dog, cat, bird, etc. Many…

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Do I have to tell my landlord I have an emotional support animal?

Emotional support animals are becoming increasingly popular. They can help to improve your quality of life. An emotional…

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